Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Comedy Film News - Zoolander 2?

- If you didn't see Step Brothers over the summer I would recommend checking it out on DVD. It drops in stores today and looks like it has a wealth of special features on it. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly provide laughs througout in typical fashion.

- In other news, Ben Stiller recently commented that he would love to do Zoolander 2 and is possibly in the process of putting it together.

According to Contact Music, Stiller has been in talks to start production and is looking at scripts. He said, "I've been trying to get Zoolander 2 together and we've had a few scripts. I feel that is the sequel I really would like to do some day because I like the original and I would make sure it was something new and worthy of it first."

Zoolander is a gift that keeps giving on dvd. Never fails to amuse.