Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heartless Bastards

The Heartless Bastards are getting quite the acclaim for their new album that came out on Tuesday. If you are just discovering the Bastards then please check out their older material. They have been great for a while. Some of the old and some of the new:

In my opinion this is the best Bastards song of all time:
Swamp Song

Some of the old:

"New Resolution"

And some new stuff

"Out at Sea" (On Letterman)

East Bound and Down Trailer

East Bound and Down Trailer - The show premieres on Feb. 15 at 10:30 Eastern.

Some Guy: "You're not the only athlete here. I happen to be training for a triathalon."
Kenny Powers: "Oh really. I play real sports, I'm not trying to be the best at exercising."
